E Tu Kaha Tātou Tahi Conference 2023

Registrations are now closed - email mirroradmin@mirrorservices.org.nz for enquiries.


E Tu Kaha Tātou Tahi Conference Programme


0800    Registrations Open

0900    Powhiri/Whakatau

0920    Opening address, Edward Ellison, Ōtakou Rūnuka Upoko

0940    Mihi- Welcome “What is the change we can make today?” Deb Fraser Komene. 

0950    Keynote: Making Space for Clinical Work with Babies, Young Children, and

            their Families.  A Critical Struggle. Dr Denise Guy.

1035    Morning Tea

1100    Child Centred Play therapy alongside the Interpersonal Neurobiology of Play

             - Michelle Baughan.

1130    Keynote: Overview of research and opportunities for action from the Youth19 adolescent health survey, focusing on “what we can do in mental health and social services”. Dr Terry Fleming.

1215    Lunch

1300    Wellbeing – Hands of Trust – Piripi Mathews

1305    "Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area- Unpacking Intergenerational Trauma"

            - Brit Chreptyk

1320   Keynote: Empowering Youth Informed Transformation. Romy Lee.

1400   The big questions. Panel Discussion:  Janelle Timmins (NZ Police), Melanie Tait (MOE), Romy Lee and Dr Terry Fleming. Moderated by Deb Fraser. 

1450    Afternoon Break

1510    Tūturu- The intersection of AOD, education and whanau. Kim Gotlieb.

1530   Standing Strong Together While Pulling Apart – The dilemma of family work with adolescence. Roxy Bretton & Tanya Phillips

1620    Closing Remarks / Mihiwhakamutunga

Mirror Services Conference 2023 Registration Form

Whakataki ngā Kaikorero- Introducing the Speakers

Dr Denise Guy

Dr Denise Guy is a consultant Child Psychiatrist, a pioneer in the field of infant mental health (IMH), the social and emotional wellbeing of babies and young children (0-4 years). Working in this area for over 35 years, she has supported the development of the IMH workforce across organisations including Whānau Āwhina Plunket, the home visiting service Nāku Ēnei Tamariki now NET, and, Perinatal and IMH services in DHBs.

Denise supervises practitioners working with families and young children across areas including mental health, early intervention, and early childhood education. She holds teaching and advisory roles across the mental health sector. She is founding Trustee of Incredible Families, which delivers programmes for parents and clinicians. From here she coordinates training in the Watch, Wait, and Wonder® Intervention addressing problematic infant-parent relationships.

Denise is a founding member of the Infant Mental Health Association Aotearoa New Zealand (IMHAANZ) (2006). As Vice President and President she developed two key initiatives, Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) and Two Homes/Ngā Kainga e Rua. FAN is an internationally acclaimed model building relationships and reflective practice, now used by a variety of organisations. Two Homes/Ngā Kainga e Rua provides resources for the parents of babies and toddlers when they separate and/or live in two homes. In 2021 Denise received The New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) for services to infant mental health.


Romy Lee

Kaitohutohu Whaiora Rangatahi - Youth Advisory/Peer Workforce Development Lead, Whāraurau.

Romy is passionate about bringing forth the voice of youth, and advocates for young people having a place at the top table, contributing to policy development and service design and delivery. She holds a degree in mental health and addiction practice. 

She is currently the Youth Advisory/Peer Workforce Development Lead at Whāraurau, Aotearoa's national workforce development programme for those working to improve the wellbeing of infants, children, youth and whanau with mental health and addiction needs.


Dr Terry Fleming 

Mental health and wellbeing needs have been rapidly increasing among adolescents, with reported distress doubling in Aotearoa and in most English speaking nations over the last decade. What's causing this trend and what can we do to address it? In this session, Dr Terry Fleming will provide an overview of the research and opportunities for action with a focus on what we can do in mental health and social services.

Dr Terry Fleming (Pākehā) is a youth mental health researcher, with a background working in youth health and mental health services mainly in South Auckland. These days Terry is an Associate Professor in Te Kura Tātai Hauora|The School of Health, at Te Herenga Waka|Victoria University of Wellington. Terry is co-leads the Youth19 adolescent health survey, she co-developed SPARX computerised CBT and has a focus on scalable ways to support youth mental health. You can see more about her here https://terryflemingvuw.wordpress.com/about/


Deb Fraser-Komene - Kaitiaki-Director

With over 30 years of leadership experience in the health and social services sectors, Deb warmly welcomes you on behalf of the kaimahi and board of Whakaata Tohu Tohu, to join in a day of learning and development. 


Michelle Baughan

Michelle brings her mahi as Kaihautu Oranga-Clinical Team Leader, at Mirror Counselling Service, to her presentation on her recent work in Play Therapy. 


Kim Gotlieb - Kāi Tahu, Waitaha, Kāti Māmoe

Kim is the Project Lead for Tutūru at Mirror, a whole school approach to wellbeing, She will be sharing an update on this expanding mahi.  



 Tanya Phillips- Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Kahungunu

Tanya is the Kaiwhakarite Haumanu, Kaitiaki Tuarua & Haumanu ā-Whānau - Clinical Coordinator, 2iC & Family Therapist. 

Tanya comes from an extensive background in nursing, addictions & co-existing disorders, Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy and has experience in Māori mental health, family therapy and 10 years at Whakaata Tohu Tohu.

Tanya and Roxy will speak on “Standing strong together while pulling apart – the dilemma of family work with adolescence”


 Roxy Bretton

Roxy holds the Kaihautu Oranga - Clinical Team Leader position for the Mirror HQ team and has 20 years experience working with rangatahi and whānau in the Ōtepoti community. 

Roxy is a registered Social Worker and has experience in Adventure Therapy.

Brit Chreptyk

Brit is a Registered Nurse and Kai Oranga at Mirror Youth Day Programme.

With her passion, experience and post-grad qualifications in Anthroposophical Nursing she will be presenting "Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area- Unpacking Intergenerational Trauma"


Piripi Matthews- Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Te Rarawa

Piripi has worked at Mirror Youth Day Programme for 16 years and holds the Kaihautu Oranga - Clinical Team Leader position.

With extensive experience in Adventure Therapy and Group work with rangatahi and whānau he will supporting our afternoon well being!


 Dr Richard Egan - (MC)

Richard has been a valued board member for the past 2 and half years. He is an associate professor in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at the University of Otago. We are delighted to have him join us as our MC again for this year's conference. 



 Refund Statement: As of 17th May 2023, no refunds will be given due to fixed costs.