Mirror Youth Day Programme

Whakaata Tohu Tohu O Tai Tama Wahine Me Tai Tama Tane | Mirror Youth Day Programme is a therapeutic day programme for young people between the ages of 13 and 18 years old who have significant drug and alcohol issues. It runs for the length of a school term and is based in Waitati just north of Dunedin.

The programme has a kaupapa Māori approach and therefore is inclusive of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

The Mirror Youth Day Programme is guided by five principles:

Tu Tika Hinengaro Pai 

Mana Whakahaere 

Aroha Atu 


He Putake Hohonu 

Self Belief






At the Programme we believe that:

  • Taiohi are able to make positive choices managing their lives safely and effectively when given the right support, information and skills.
  • Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour (positive or negative).

We aim to provide a safe, alcohol and other drug free environment where taiohi learn to:

  • Be safe;
  • Make positive and healthy lifestyle choices;
  • Feel better about themselves;
  • Develop personal identity that recognises culture;
  • Take responsibility for their own actions;
  • Handle difficult situations in positive ways; and,
  • Initiate new ways of being with others.

To access Mirror Youth Day Programme a referral form needs to be completed.

Feel free to contact us if you have would like to receive the referral form or have an enquiry.